

Nov 19, 2023

'Barbie's 25 most WTF — and hilarious — quotes

The Barbie script is genius. So genius in fact that for the past week I've unapologetically been calling my home "the mojo dojo casa house," exclusively pronouncing The Godfather as Issa Rae did in the film, and quoting Ken's (Ryan Gosling) distaste for the patriarchy's exclusion of horses at any opportunity I get.

The Barbie movie has left a pink handprint on all of our hearts. I personally cried, laughed, and screamed for the entirety of its runtime. And while there's a lot about the movie to fall in love with, from its Easter eggs all the way to its beautiful bench scene, there are a couple — okay, a lot — of one-liners from the film I hope we all quote forever.

So without further ado, let's hop into Barbie's pink convertible, take a trip down memory lane, and relish in the film's best, funniest, most underrated, and even most shocking lines.

Everyone greets each other in the morning in BarbieLand, even the Astronaut Barbies all the way up in space. The only right answer to a bunch of Astronaut Barbies waving you a good morning? "Yay space!" So succinctly put. So brilliant. So funny. I love joy like Barbie (Margot Robbie) loves science.

The beauty of this line is in its delivery. Allan (Michael Cera) belts out this visceral, screeching, unapologetically empathetic "NoooooOOOOOOO!!" when Ken (Ryan Gosling) has a big beach accident — after all, he is Ken's buddy. And while it's no secret that Allan is Barbie's best character, this one "NOOOOO" kickstarted our absolute adoration for him.

While Doctor Barbies treat Ken after his surf accident, he goes on a passionate tangent explaining that his job's really hard. Ken's not a lifeguard. He's not a surfer. His job is just beach and it's SO hard. But Barbie (Hari Nef) reminds him, oh so empathetically, that he does a great job at beach. 10/10 line delivery yet again for the most absurd line ever. Beach is now entirely a real job.

Barbie says this to Ken right before girls' night, and she's so right for it. I wish I could bear such brutal honesty in my own life.

While Barbie tries to get rid of Ken, the other Barbies at girls' night remind her that they have some serious slumber partying to get to. The president's even here! And she knows they should all be honored! President Barbie (Issa Rae) 4ever.

Kens aren't allowed to retch at Barbie getting flat feet, only Barbies are allowed to do that. This throwaway line from Barbie (Sharon Rooney) might be quick, but its message is irrevocably the heart of the film. Stop it Ken (Kingsley Ben-Adir), seriously.

Of Weird Barbie's (Kate McKinnon) many iconic lines in the film, this specific one broke me. While Barbie's reluctant to go to the real world, Weird Barbie reminds her of what's at stake — cellulite. I just…yeah. A 10/10 WTF moment. A 10/10 tongue-in-cheek moment. It's incredible just how much this movie made fun of itself.

If you get it, you get it. If you don't, you don't.

Another Weird Barbie gem that I can't believe actually made it into the film. I feel like its layers speak for themselves.

When Ken turns stowaway on Barbie's trip to the Real World, he argues to stay by questioning, "What if there's beach?"

Valid. What if there is beach?! How could Barbie ever beach by herself? Barbies may be astronauts, Nobel Prize winners, physicists, and president, but beach is firmly Ken turf. Thank you Ken for your very necessary concerns.

Forget the nude blob, Ken has genitals BTW. When a crew of construction workers rudely hit on Barbie in the real world, she, in good grace, reminds them that she and Ken have no genitals. But Ken's having none of it. In fact, he claims he has all the genitals. Every single one.

I'm forever indebted to Greta Gerwig for writing this script.

He's right.

My jaw fell when Sasha (Ariana Greenblatt) dropped this banger. We can all call Barbie many things, but a fascist? Absolutely absurd — but brilliantly hilarious nonetheless.

I don't know how Margot Robbie said this line while crying and keeping a straight face. It is, without a doubt, the most underrated moment in the entire film. She does not control the railways guys!!! OR the flow of commerce!!!!

I love Ken. Like I just really love Ken. I too wonder why she didn't, bud. I'm thinking about it every night.

Bless you, Aaron (Connor Swindells). It doesn't, but thank you so much for getting that point across.

Another Ken quote full of brilliant, wise, remarkable Kenergy. It's genius. Horses are, in fact, men extenders. For further evidence, see Oppenheimer.

As Ken throws out Barbie's clothes to make room for his mojo dojo casa house, Gloria (America Ferrera) reminds him that the beautiful outfits he's throwing out aren't to be treated like trash. Barbie's sparkly ice skating dress? How DARE he?! They're ARCHIVAL, Ken.

I hate to say this again, but the people that get it, get it. They get it oh so deeply.

Colin Firth as Mr. Darcy, you are always there when we need you.

There's just something about Gloria acknowledging Allan and giving him the recognition that he deserves that tickled my heart. It may or may not also have to do with the fact that Ferrera delivered this line in the same vein of a parent complimenting their kid's macaroni art, but I digress. Allan, you are great!!

NSYNC's music video for "It's Gonna Be Me" walked so Barbie could run.

The boy band presents themselves as dolls that dance — while being underappreciated. Of course, they're Allans.

I scoffed. I screamed. I couldn't believe Warner Bros. actually green-lit their own roast. Snyder bros everywhere, this one's for you.

The Mattel logo could only bleep out so much.

Once again, Ken's life of blonde fragility is a lesson all men can learn from. Take notes, gentlemen. Go to a therapist. Cry. Don't let yourself feel hemmed in by suffocating gender norms. Please let yourselves cry.

Ken, you are so right and real for that. I hope others will follow suit soon.

How to watch: The Barbie movie is now playing in theaters.


1. "Yay space!" — Barbie2. "NooOOOOOOOOooooo!!!!!!" — Allan 3. "And what a good job you do at beach." — Barbie4. "I don't want you here." — Barbie. 5. "Hurry up, Barbie, the president's here!" — Doctor Barbie "I am. You're welcome!" — President Barbie6. "Stop it, Ken." — Barbie7. "Fine, get cellulite. I don't care." — Weird Barbie8. "I'd like to see what kind of nude blob he's packing under his jeans." — Weird Barbie9. "Don't blame me. Blame Mattel; they make the rules." — Weird Barbie 10. "What if there's beach?!" — Ken 11. "I have all the genitals." — Ken 12. "We sell dreams, imagination, and sparkle. And when you think of sparkle, what do you think of next? Female agency." — Mattel CEO (Will Ferrell) 13. "You fascist." — Sasha14. "She thinks I'm a fascist? I don't control the railways or the flow of commerce!" — Barbie 15. "Why didn't Barbie tell me about patriarchy?" — Ken 16. "I'm a man with no power, does that make me a woman?" — Aaron Dinkins17. "Horses are just men extenders." — Ken 18. "These are archival!" — Gloria19. "She's going to watch the BBC Pride and Prejudice for the seventh time." — Depressed Barbie ad 20. "Oh you are Allan. That's great!" — Gloria 21. "All of NSYNC? Allans!" — Allan 22. "It's like I've been in a dream where I was really invested in the Zack Snyder cut of Justice League." — Barbie (Alexandra Shipp) 23. "That's because they're dream houses, motherfucker." — President Barbie 24. "I'm a liberated man. I know crying's not weak." — Ken 25. "To be honest, when I found out the patriarchy wasn't about horses, I lost interest anyways." — KenHow to watch: